Diskordia-opisto: Principia Discordian perusteet
Tapahtuma on ilmainen, mutta jos haluat osallistua työpajaan, tuo mukanasi jotain, jota haluaisit hodarissasi syödä ja tarjota muille syötäväksi. Mitä sinun unelmiesi hodari sisältää ja mitä se merkitsee sinulle?
Tavataan YO-kylän kerhohuoneella osoitteessa YO-kylä 8D4 klo 17.
Eristic Association in Turku presents the second meeting for the Discordian College! We shall discuss the principles of Principia Discordia: what is the background for this work, what should you at least know about it and what kinds of perspectives do readers have towards the book? We shall perform a practical Principia Discordia event at Posankka statue and partake of a hot dog workshop afterwards.
The event is free, but if you want to participate in the workshop, bring something, anything, you want to eat in your hot dog and offer for others to eat too. What does your dream hot dog include and what is the significance to you?
Let's meet at the student village clubhouse at YO-kylä 8D4 on 25th Jan at 5pm.
Tapaaminen myös Meetupissa.
Also available in our Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Eristic-Association-Turku/events/258292100/
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